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NaCCRA Forum: Resident Life

Vehicle Charging Stations
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Charlestown in Catonsville, MD put in a charging station when one of the parking lots was expanded. You need a credit card to use it. I don't know what kind of usage it gets. I am not aware of any issues.

Ann MacKay

Jennifer - Brooksby Village in Peabody MA (north of Boston) recently installed charging stations. I was not personal involved, but could put you in touch with someone who was if you wanted more info - email me


I have been driving an EV for about 3 years, first a Chevy Volt and for the last 9 months a Tesla Model 3. I live in cottage with a 2-car garage at Falcons Landing. When I bought the Volt I had an electrician in stall a 240 circuit in my garage. When I bought the Tesla I had the same electrician install a Tesla wall connector. When I charge my Tesla I get 240 volts and 60 amps, and a charging rate of about 40 mph.

We have several other EVs that park in the garages of our apartment buildings. Management installed 240 volts circuits for these EVs. These are not available to visitors unless the parking space owner invites a guest to use their charging station. There is talk of a "public" outside charging station, but at the moment it is just talk.

Jim Haynes

Any "leading edge" CCRCs out there who have installed charging stations?

The reasons I say "leading edge" is because evidently there is no continuity between the auto manufacturers. The choices of voltage can vary, affecting the time to charge. Do your chargers require a credit card? Do residents sometimes forget they've got a vehicle being charged and unintentionally leave their vehicle in the station way beyond the needed time, thereby creating frustration on the part of those waiting for the station's availability?

What decisions worked well? What decisions didn't work well?

Any observations, opinions, experiences, etc. would be welcome. Thanks.

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