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NaCCRA Forum: Resident Life

Tech help for computers, TVs, smart phones, etc
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A report of service to the residents of our CCRC:

The Channing House (CH) volunteer resident Tech Help had a very successful 2021 as shown by our statistics of over one-thousand successful calls for service fixing all manner of computers, smart phones, TVs, and all types of electronic devices:

Calls/day start end #Calls Range

2.77 1/1/2021 6/30/2021 501 CY21/1stHalf

2.76 7/1/2021 12/31/2021 508 CY21/2ndHalf

Total Calls,2021 = 1009

Tech Help can be very proud of the assistance rendered which not only served the CH residents but also saved the CH budget significant money in cost avoidance. Next time you see one of these resident tech help volunteers, give them a high-five. These techs each averaged over 28 calls for service during 2021:

<<list of 11 resident volunteer techs>>

In case you wonder about tech help’s history, here is the resident tech help historical service record since we started on 7/8/2013:

2.25 <<Grand Totals>> 3101 6982 8.48

Calls/day Nr days Nr Calls Yrs of service

We are always looking for more volunteers to join this elite group. It’s not as hard as you might think.

Bert Laurence & CA

Tech Help Co-Chairs

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