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NaCCRA Forum: General

Survey Results
Ed Welch
  1. Do CCRCs usually share complete results with their communities on only a summary they prepare?
  2. Do these surveys, by Holleran in our case, include information that will let your compare your community to others?
Ann MacKay

Charlestown does show the results of the Holleran Survey in a Town Hall which is recorded and available on our Portal (Touchtown). The comments are available for reading by residents by going to the administration office. The results are compared to other Erickson Senior Living Communities and to the national data base. We did not do a survey last year.

We will be doing one in 2022.

Nancy Eddy

We also skipped the Halloren survey last year. Given the COVID pandemic, operations and activities were clearly nowhere near normal that certainly seemed appropriate. In the past there has been a presentation to a communitywide meeting and the full report is available in our library. Results are compared to others across the industry.

Nancy Eddy

Jennifer J. Young

The term "complete results" would be a "no" at my CCRC. We've had one Holleran survey, a bit over two years from the outsourced management coming aboard. I was a bit surprised they didn't immediately do a survey upon arrival, to get a "base line" against which they could compare future results well into their tenure here.

Back to "complete." We got the numerical results since some survey answers involved a continuum of numbers intended to indicate degree of very dissatisfied to very highly satisfied. But since some of us chose to take advantage of spaces provided to provide our own written comments. As far as results go, there was no script provided of all those comments.

More about the individual written comments -- in a recent focus group with Holleran I inquired about how Holleran presented written comments to management. Here's what I mean.... let's say that I chose to provide comments about my specific concerns about food quality, housekeeping, "transparency" (a favorite word of management), and emergency response. My question of Holleran in this focus group: would there be lists compiled by subject matter, showing management all the written-in comments submitted by category? For example, "Here are everyone's verbatim comments about food and dining. Here are all the verbatim comments about housekeeping. Here are the comments about emergency response," etc. Their answer: "no, we list all the comments for each, individual survey." I was surprised by this, because that might jeopardize anonymity ... a la, "heck, management could tell by word choice or issues mentioned who more than likely wrote the comments." That knowledge will affect how I respond to future surveys.

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